Ryan's page.....
New awards .... July 2005

On July 1st Janine Konczak was awarded Ryans prize at St. Anne's.
These prizes help young students to develop skills in the performing arts.
Since 1997 awards have been made every year at her University, Nene in Northampton and at Windermere St. Anne's her old school.
The family have added to the award value and donated a trophy to the school.

Ryan was the youngest  of our five children.  She battled for life and the challenges of her short stature  from the day she was born.
So she decided she wanted to perform on stage .. at University in Northampton she became known throughout the town as 'The littlest one with the biggest voice"
She was murdered in June 1997 just a few days before she was to learn of her outstanding degree result...
 We buried her at Troutbeck Church in the English Lake District. The Church in which she was baptized and confirmed .
 This church sits among the high fells with the words of the poets echoing back ... and those of the psalmists too..

In the Spring lambs are all around  calling for reassurance from their dams...

 She helped show the sheep when at home and in 1998 we donated a trophy to The Royal Highland Show in her memory 
RHS 2000
Shetland Judge Rena Douglas
decides on the Champion Male
Our ram in the middle!

The lamb is Reserve Champ and also wins Ryan's Quaich
for best lamb.

click for larger photo

We miss our little one

Robin and Margaret